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Take a Jewish Lives Summer Course

Rebecca Keys

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Register now for Jewish Lives summer courses at Case Western Reserve University’s Siegal Lifelong Learning program. Courses are available on Irving Berlin, Solomon, and David. See below for the course schedule and contact for additional information. We hope you enjoy the classes.

Instructor: Professor Daniel Goldmark
Location: Online
Head of Popular Music, Director of the Center for Popular Music Studies, Case Western Reserve University
Date: Wednesdays, June 24 - July 8
Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m. EDT
Cost: $45 Lifelong Learning Member / $55 Nonmember

Irving Berlin has been called the greatest songwriter of the golden age of the American popular song. In a career that spanned nine decades, Berlin wrote some 1500 tunes, including “Alexander’s Ragtime Band,” “God Bless America,” and “White Christmas.” Join Daniel Goldmark to explore James Kaplan’s book, Irving Berlin: New York Genius, which offers a visceral narrative of Berlin as a self-made man who was a witty, wily, tough Jewish immigrant. Kaplan’s book underscores Berlin’s continued relevance in American popular culture today.

The respective book should be brought to class. Irving Berlin: New York Genius can be purchased below.

SPECIAL OFFER: Save 35% + free shipping on the books for this series. Use code CWBERLIN at checkout.

Irving Berlin: New York Genius

Instructor: Professor Ezra Blaustein, Kent State University
Location: Online
Date: Wednesdays, July 15 - 29
Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m. EDT
Cost: $45 Lifelong Learning Member / $55 Nonmember

Tradition has it that King Solomon knew everything there was to know—the mysteries of nature, of love, of God himself—but what do we know of him? Join Ezra Blaustein to explore Steven Weitzman’s book which reintroduces readers to Solomon’s story and its surprising influence in shaping Western culture, and he also examines what Solomon’s life, wisdom, and writings have come to mean for Jews, Christians, and Muslims over the past 2,000 years.

The respective book should be brought to class. Solomon: The Lure of Widsom can be purchased below.

SPECIAL OFFER: Save 35% + free shipping on the books for this series. Use code CWSOLOMON at checkout.

Solomon: The Lure of Wisdom

Instructor(s): Jo Bruce, Instructor of Lifelong Learning
Location: Online
Date: Wednesdays, August 5 - 19
Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m. EDT
Cost: $45 Lifelong Learning Member / $55 Nonmember

Of all the figures in the Bible, David arguably stands out as the most perplexing. He was a warrior who subdued Goliath and the Philistines; a king who united a nation; a poet who created beautiful verse; a loyal servant of God who proposed the great Temple and founded the Messianic line; a schemer, deceiver, and an adulterer. Join Jo Bruce to explore Wolpe’s book which reexamines David in an attempt to find coherence in his seemingly contradictory actions and impulses. The author unravels David’s complex character to question his exalted place in history.

The respective book should be brought to class. David: The Divided Heart can be purchased below.

SPECIAL OFFER: Save 35% + free shipping on the books for this series. Use code CWSDAVID at checkout.

David: The Divided Heart