David: The Divided Heart — Jewish Lives

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David: The Divided Heart


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David: The Divided Heart

David: The Divided Heart


By David Wolpe
Published September 16, 2014
176 pages

“Vibrant and nuanced” —The Jewish Week

A reexamination of the biblical David, legendary warrior, poet, and king, by one of America’s most respected rabbis

Of all the figures in the Bible, David arguably stands out as the most perplexing and enigmatic. He was many things: a warrior who subdued Goliath and the Philistines; a king who united a nation; a poet who created beautiful, sensitive verse; a loyal servant of God who proposed the great Temple and founded the Messianic line; a schemer, deceiver, and adulterer who freely indulged his very human appetites.

David Wolpe, whom Newsweek called “the most influential rabbi in America,” takes a fresh look at biblical David in an attempt to find coherence in his seemingly contradictory actions and impulses. The author questions why David holds such an exalted place in history and legend, and then proceeds to unravel his complex character based on information found in the book of Samuel and later literature. What emerges is a fascinating portrait of an exceptional human being who, despite his many flaws, was truly beloved by God.

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About the Author

David Wolpe is the rabbi of the Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, the largest Conservative congregation west of the Mississippi River. He is the author of seven books, including the national best-seller Making Loss Matter: Creating Meaning in Difficult Times. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.


“This is an excellent study of the most fascinating character in the Old Testament.” —The Wall Street Journal

“Engaging” —Los Angeles Review of Books

“A lovely book (whose) power is in its artistry.” —Christian Century

“Wolpe gently and gracefully explores the many facets...that together create David's outsized personality.” —Publishers Weekly