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What is Jewish Lives?

Jewish Lives, Jewish Lives Series, Jewish Biography, Jewish History, Jewish Culture, Jewish Books, Biography books, Top selling books, Jewish Book, Bestselling biographies, Best biography books, Judaism, Jewish, King David, Jacob, King Solomon, Rabbi Akiva, Moses, Peggy Guggenheim, Mark Rothko, Leonard Bernstein, Bernard Berenson, Sarah Bernhardt, Barbra Streisand, Groucho Marx, Hank Greenberg, Steven Spielberg, Louis Brandeis, Disraeli, Leon Blum, Ben-Gurion, Jabotinsky, Moshe Dayan, Walter Rathenau, Leon Trotsky, Emma Goldman, Yitzhak Rabin, Marcel Proust, Lillian Hellman, Primo Levi, Franz Kafka, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Rav Kook, Moses Mendelssohn, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud


What is Jewish Lives?

A partnership of Yale University Press and the Leon D. Black Foundation, Jewish Lives is a prizewinning series of biography designed to explore the many facets of Jewish identity.

Individual volumes illuminate the imprint of Jewish figures upon literature, religion, philosophy, politics, cultural and economic life, and the arts and sciences.

Subjects are paired with authors to elicit lively, deeply informed books that explore the range and depth of the Jewish experience from antiquity to the present.

Ileene Smith is editorial director. Anita Shapira and Steven J. Zipperstein are series editors. Rebecca Keys is managing director.



First Series Winner of the Jewish Book of the Year Award    

For the first time in its history, the Jewish Book Council awarded a series the Jewish Book of the Year Award in 2014.

"The decision to honor Yale University Press's Jewish Lives series, a series which illuminates the lives of great figures in Jewish history, came four years into its publication in recognition of its achievements thus far and its forthcoming contributions for years to come.

The Jewish Book Council seeks to highlight and applaud the publisher, Yale University Press in collaboration with the Leon D. Black Foundation, for taking on this important task as well as show support for the endeavor and continue to nurture an audience for works that share the stories and people behind our collective history.”