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Video: Hasia R. Diner on the philanthropic legacy of Julius Rosenwald

Rebecca Keys

Julius Rosenwald rose to meteoric wealth at the helm of Sears, Roebuck and Co., yet his most important legacy stands on the pioneering changes he introduced to the practice of philanthropy. His passionate support of Jewish and African American causes continues to influence lives to this day, though he refused to have his name attached to the buildings, projects, or endowments he supported.

Join Professor Hasia R. Diner for a 60-minute exploration of Rosenwald’s philanthropy and the importance of partnership in building a better future.

This program took place on June 24, 2021 in partnership with Park Avenue Synagogue, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning.

Julius Rosenwald: Repairing the World