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Jewish Life of the Month: Moshe Dayan

Rebecca Keys

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Moshe Dayan and Abdullah el Tell reach cease fire agreement, Jerusalem. 30 November 1948.

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Moshe Dayan and Abdullah el Tell reach cease fire agreement, Jerusalem. 30 November 1948.

Moshe Dayan


One of Israel's most charismatic—and controversial—personalities, Dayan led the Israel Defense Forces to stunning military victories. However, in the aftermath of the bungled 1973 Yom Kippur War, he shared the blame for operational mistakes and retired from the government. He later proved himself a talented diplomat, playing an integral role in peace negotiations with Egypt.

Famous Quote
"If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies."

Moshe Dayan: Israel’s Controversial Hero