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Past Winners

The Jewish Lives Prize
Winners Circle


What is a Jewish book? Which Jewish book is your favorite and why?

1st Place
Joshua Lancman
Golda Och Academy - West Orange, New Jersey
Essay: “Killing a Man; Replacing God: Elie Wiesel’s Dawn and the New Jew”

2nd Place
Jonathan Sneh
Chamblee High School - Atlanta, Georgia
Video: “Lessons of Hope, Resilience, and Grace: Exploring Man's Search for Meaning”

3rd Place
Lily Rimm
Staples High School - Westport, Connecticut
Essay: “Echoes of Faith: The Timeless Wisdom Within Jewish Texts”


If you were to hold a press conference or Q&A with a Jewish person from any time period, what questions would you ask? How would they respond?

1st Prize
Benjamin Goodman
The Special Music School – New York, New York
“A visit to the voids: an interview and tour with Daniel Libeskind” - Essay

2nd Prize
Nina Teichman
Emery/Weiner School – Houston, Texas
“An Interview with Anne Frank” - Animated Video

3rd Prize
Gary Lechinsky
Davidson Academy Online – Reno, Nevada
 “Interviewing Tevye the Milkman” - Video


If you could spend a day with one figure from Jewish history, who would it be and what would you do?

1st Prize
Benjamin “Zeke” Fox, Suffern High School, Suffern, NY
Theodor Herzl (Animated Video)

 2nd Prize
Emily Huang, The Webb Schools / LA Hebrew High, Claremont, CA
A Starry Night (Screenplay)

 3rd Prize
Joseph Savenor, SAR High School, Bronx, NY
Stratego with Trotsky (Essay)