The Limited Edition Prime Ministers Collection — Jewish Lives

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The Limited Edition Prime Ministers Collection

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The Limited Edition Prime Ministers Collection

The Prime Ministers Collection

The Limited Edition Prime Ministers Collection


This handsome biography set explores the Jewish experience through the lives of renowned world leaders of the 19th and 20th centuries.

The five volumes are bound in high-quality paper and feature gold foil detail. It’s the perfect addition to your library - or gift for friends and family.

This unique, custom set is available while supplies last.

Ben-Gurion: Father of Modern Israel
By Anita Shapira

“A beautiful portrayal” —Shimon Peres, President of Israel (2007-2014)
An insightful study of the inner life of the Zionist leader responsible for the creation of the state of Israel

Léon Blum: Prime Minister, Socialist, Zionist
By Pierre Birnbaum

“Illuminating” —Foreign Affairs
An appreciation of the extraordinary life and legacy of Léon Blum, the first Jewish prime minister of France

Disraeli: The Novel Politician
By David Cesarani

“Superb” —The Wall Street Journal
A fresh, vivid look at Disraeli's life, achievements, and temperament that casts doubts on his much-touted commitment to Jewish rights

Golda Meir: Israel’s Matriarch
By Deborah E. Lipstadt

“Always thoughtful” —Kirkus Review
A balanced biography of Golda Meir, who was both adored and abhorred, from award-winning author Deborah E. Lipstadt

Yitzhak Rabin: Soldier, Leader, Statesman
By Itamar Rabinovich

“A thoughtful and extraordinarily comprehensive account of a significant leader” —Henry A. Kissinger
An insider’s perspective on the life and influence of Israel’s first native-born prime minister, his bold peace initiatives, and his tragic assassination

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