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The Limited Edition Gift Collection

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The Limited Edition Gift Collection

The Gift Collection
The Gift Collection
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The Limited Edition Gift Collection


Give your family and friends a taste of Jewish Lives with a beautifully designed and expertly curated gift collection.

It’s the perfect gift for weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, or any special occasion. This unique, custom set is available while supplies last.

David: The Divided Heart
By David Wolpe

“Vibrant and nuanced” —The Jewish Week
A reexamination of the biblical David, legendary warrior, poet, and king, by one of America’s most respected rabbis

Louis D. Brandeis: American Prophet
By Jeffrey Rosen

“Compelling” —LA Review of Books
A riveting new examination of the leading progressive justice of his era, published in the centennial year of his confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court

Einstein: His Space and Times
By Steven Gimbel

“Incisive” —The Times of London
A revealing new portrait of Albert Einstein, the world’s first scientific “superstar”

Ben-Gurion: Father of Modern Israel
By Anita Shapira

“A beautiful portrayal” —Shimon Peres, President of Israel (2007-2014)
An insightful study of the inner life of the Zionist leader responsible for the creation of the state of Israel

Barbra Streisand: Redefining Beauty, Femininity, and Power
By Neal Gabler

“Fascinating and insightful” —The Wall Street Journal
An enthralling appreciation of the monumentally gifted popular artist and cultural icon who challenged Hollywood’s standards of beauty and glamour

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