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The Defining Women Collection

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The Defining Women Collection

The Defining Women Collection
The Defining Women Collection

The Defining Women Collection


Discover legendary women who changed the world. This gorgeous biography collection is the perfect gift for lovers of Jewish culture.

Share now with your children, grandchildren, synagogues, and friends. Available while supplies last.

Sarah Bernhardt: The Life of Sarah Bernhardt
By Robert Gottlieb

“A terrific book" —NPR
Everything about Sarah Bernhardt is fascinating, from her obscure birth to her glorious career—redefining the very nature of her art—to her indomitable spirit.

Betty Friedan: Magnificent Disrupter
By Rachel Shteir

“A lucid portrait” —Publishers Weekly
A new portrait of Betty Friedan, the author and activist acclaimed as the mother of second-wave feminism

Golda Meir: Israel’s Matriarch
By Deborah E. Lipstadt

“Always thoughtful” —Kirkus Review
A balanced biography of Golda Meir, who was both adored and abhorred, from award-winning author Deborah E. Lipstadt

Barbra Streisand: Redefining Femininity, Beauty, and Power
By Neal Gabler

“Fascinating and insightful” —The Wall Street Journal
An enthralling appreciation of the monumentally gifted popular artist and cultural icon who challenged Hollywood’s standards of beauty and glamour

Henrietta Szold: Hadassah and the Zionist Dream
By Francine Klagsbrun

“Compelling and engrossing” —Rabbi David Ellenson
Award-winning author Francine Klagsbrun reveals the complex life and work of Henrietta Szold, founder of Hadassah and a Zionist trailblazer

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