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The Limited Edition Biblical Greats Collection

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The Limited Edition Biblical Greats Collection

The Biblical Greats Collection
The Biblical Greats Collection

The Limited Edition Biblical Greats Collection


The Limited Edition Biblical Greats Collection is the perfect addition to any bookshelf. The unique, custom set is available while supplies last.

Explore the lives of the greatest figures of the Bible like never before.

Jacob: Unexpected Patriarch
By Yair Zakovitch

“Eloquently provocative” —Choice
A powerful hero of the Bible, Jacob is also one of its most complex figures

Moses: A Human Life
By Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg

“A rich, erudite study” —Kirkus Review, Starred Review
An unprecedented portrait of Moses's inner world and perplexing character, by a distinguished biblical scholar

David: The Divided Heart
By David Wolpe

“Vibrant and nuanced” —The Jewish Week
A reexamination of the biblical David, legendary warrior, poet, and king, by one of America’s most respected rabbis

Solomon: The Lure of Wisdom
By Steven Weitzman

“Engrossing, elegant, and erudite” —The Jewish Daily Forward
Esteemed biblical scholar Steven Weitzman reintroduces readers to Solomon's story and its surprising influence in shaping Western culture

Becoming Elijah: Prophet of Transformation
By Daniel C. Matt

“Masterful”Publishers Weekly, starred review
The story of the prophet Elijah’s transformation from fierce zealot to compassionate hero and cherished figure in Jewish tradition

Ruth: A Migrant’s Tale
By Ilana Pardes

“Excellent” —Steven Weitzman, author of The Origin of the Jews
A wide-ranging exploration of the story of Ruth, a foreigner who became the founding mother of the Davidic dynasty

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