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The American Icons Collection

Gift Ideas

The American Icons Collection

The American Icons Collection
The American Icons Collection

The American Icons Collection


Celebrate the Jewish American experience with a gorgeous, curated biography collection by Jewish Lives. It’s the perfect gift for lovers of Jewish culture.

Share now with your children, grandchildren, synagogues, and friends. Available while supplies last.

Leonard Bernstein: An American Musician
By Allen Shawn

“A page-turner" —Symphony Magazine
A fresh appreciation of the great musical figure that gives him his due as composer as well as conductor

Louis D. Brandeis: American Prophet
By Jeffrey Rosen

“Compelling” —LA Review of Books
A riveting new examination of the leading progressive justice of his era, published in the centennial year of his confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court

Mel Brooks: Disobedient Jew
By Jeremy Dauber

“Entertaining and enlightening” —Kenneth Turan
A spirited dive into the life and career of a performer, writer, and director who dominated twentieth-century American comedy

Betty Friedan: Magnificent Disrupter
By Rachel Shteir

“A lucid portrait” —Publishers Weekly
A new portrait of Betty Friedan, the author and activist acclaimed as the mother of second-wave feminism

Arthur Miller: American Witness
By John Lahr

“A great introduction to a giant of American letters” —Publishers Weekly
A great theater critic brings twentieth-century playwright Arthur Miller’s dramatic story to life with bold and revealing new insights

Barbra Streisand: Redefining Femininity, Beauty, and Power
By Neal Gabler

“Fascinating and insightful” —The Wall Street Journal
An enthralling appreciation of the monumentally gifted popular artist and cultural icon who challenged Hollywood’s standards of beauty and glamour

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