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Reading Jewish Lives: Spielberg Author Livestream


Jewish Lives, Jewish Lives Series, Jewish Biography, Jewish History, Jewish Culture, Jewish Books, Biography books, Top selling books, Jewish Book, Bestselling biographies, Best biography books, Judaism, Jewish, King David, Jacob, King Solomon, Rabbi Akiva, Moses, Peggy Guggenheim, Mark Rothko, Leonard Bernstein, Bernard Berenson, Sarah Bernhardt, Barbra Streisand, Groucho Marx, Hank Greenberg, Steven Spielberg, Louis Brandeis, Disraeli, Leon Blum, Ben-Gurion, Jabotinsky, Moshe Dayan, Walter Rathenau, Leon Trotsky, Emma Goldman, Yitzhak Rabin, Marcel Proust, Lillian Hellman, Primo Levi, Franz Kafka, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Rav Kook, Moses Mendelssohn, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud

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Reading Jewish Lives: Spielberg Author Livestream

  • Park Avenue Synagogue 50 East 87th Street New York, NY 10128 USA (map)

Join us for a special livestreaming author event with Molly Haskell, author of Steven Spielberg: A Life in Films.

Livestreaming video of the event will be available here, and a recording will be posted online afterwards.

This author event is part of our new synagogue reading group program "Reading Jewish Lives," in partnership with Park Avenue Synagogue and congregations across the United States. To learn more, please email 

Earlier Event: November 15
Reading Jewish Lives: Einstein Author Event
Later Event: February 12
Explore Moses with Dr. Avivah Zornberg