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This contest is now closed.

See below to view prize and contest rules.

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Contest Rules

This Competition is not open to employees of the Leon D. Black Foundation (the Promoter), their immediate families, their agents or anyone professionally associated with this Promotion.

Entrants must be aged 18 or over and live in the United States or Canada.

Only one entry allowed per person.

One winner will be selected by the Promoter.

The Prize is The Origins of Israel Collection.

Entries close at midnight Saturday, December 31, 2022 (EST).

All prices listed on this website are in USD.

Entries will be disqualified if the Promoter, at its sole discretion, believes that there has been an attempt to manipulate or tamper with the operation of the competition.

No purchase is necessary to enter this competition.

The prize offered in this competition is non-transferable and non-refundable. No cash or alternative prizes will be available, in whole or in part, except in the event of circumstances outside of their control, whereby the Promoter reserves the right to substitute for an alternative prize of equal or greater value.

The Promoter does not guarantee continuous uninterrupted or secure access to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter since numerous factors outside the control of the Promoter may interfere with the operation of the website. No responsibility will be accepted for any difficulties in entering or any entries delayed or corrupted.

The Promoter will do its best to ensure delivery of any prizes within 28 days of the draw being made/contact details being received (whichever occurs later).

Your personal details will at all times be kept confidential. 

The Promoter does not accept responsibility for any damage, loss, liabilities, injury, costs, expenses or claims suffered as a result of registering for the competition or acceptance of any prize(s).

Any information obtained from the Competition will be used in accordance with our Privacy Notice.

By entering the competition you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.

The Promoter's decision in all matters is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.

Promoter: Jewish Lives, (Do not send entries to this email address)

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By entering the competition, you are permitting Jewish Lives to contact you from time-to-time with details of other products, promotions and offers that may be of interest to you.

Jewish Lives will use the information provided on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. 

You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email you receive from us, or by emailing We will treat your information with respect. By clicking above to submit this form, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.

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