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The Entertainment Collection


Collections make perfect gifts, or additions to any bookshelf

The Entertainment Collection

The Entertainment Collection
The Entertainment Collection

The Entertainment Collection


The Entertainment Collection includes biographies of world-renowned luminaries of the stage and silver screen.

Sarah: The Life of Sarah Bernhardt
By Robert Gottlieb

“A terrific book" —NPR
A captivating exploration of the trajectory of the daughter of a courtesan who transformed herself into the most famous actress who ever lived

Groucho Marx: The Comedy of Existence
By Lee Siegel

“Delightfully perverse” —The New York Times Book Review
A trenchant examination of an iconic American figure that explores the cultural and psychological roots of his comic genius

Steven Spielberg: A Life in Films
By Molly Haskell

“Uncommonly absorbing” —The New Republic
A film-centric portrait of the extraordinarily gifted movie director whose decades-long influence on American popular culture is unprecedented

Barbra Streisand: Redefining Beauty, Femininity, and Power
By Neal Gabler

“Fascinating and insightful” —The Wall Street Journal
An enthralling appreciation of the monumentally gifted popular artist and cultural icon who challenged Hollywood’s standards of beauty and glamour

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