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The Arts and Culture Collection


Collections make perfect gifts, or additions to any bookshelf

The Arts and Culture Collection

The Arts and Culture Collection
The Arts and Culture Collection

The Arts and Culture Collection


The Arts and Culture Collection features illustrious contributors to the arts and cultural scenes of the 19th-21st centuries.

Bernard Berenson: A Life in the Picture Trade
By Rachel Cohen

“Irresistibly readable”  —ARTnews
An illuminating new biography of the connoisseur who changed the art world and the way we see art

Leonard Bernstein: An American Musician
By Allen Shawn

“A page-turner" —Symphony Magazine
A fresh appreciation of the great musical figure that gives him his due as composer as well as conductor

Peggy Guggenheim: The Shock of the Modern
By Francine Prose

“Lively, complex, and inclined to shock.” —Publishers Weekly
A spirited portrait of the colorful, irrepressible, and iconoclastic American collector who fearlessly advanced the cause of modern art

Mark Rothko: Toward the Light in the Chapel
By Annie Cohen-Solal

“Illuminating. Sublime.” —The Washington Times
A fascinating exploration of the life and work of one of America’s most famous and enigmatic postwar visual artists

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