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The Monumental Thinkers Collection


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The Monumental Thinkers Collection

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The Monumental Thinkers Collection


Explore the great minds that continue to impact our world.

Becoming Freud: The Making of a Psychoanalyst
By Adam Phillips

“An audacious book” —The New Yorker
From one of the world’s foremost authorities on Sigmund Freud comes a strikingly original biography of the father of psychoanalysis

Einstein: His Space and Times
By Steven Gimbel

“Worthwhile” —The Sunday Times
A revealing new portrait of Albert Einstein, the world’s first scientific “superstar”

Karl Marx: Philosophy and Revolution
By Shlomo Avineri

“A pleasure to read” —Michael Walzer, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
A new exploration of Karl Marx's life through his intellectual contributions to modern thought

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