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Reading Jewish Lives: A New Synagogue Outreach Program

Rebecca Keys

Reading Jewish Lives Newsletter Social Media Image.jpg

In partnership with Park Avenue Synagogue and communities across the United States, Jewish Lives is pleased to announce the launch of our new synagogue outreach program, "Reading Jewish Lives."

In 2017-2018, synagogues across the country will read four Jewish Lives biographies together, engage in small group discussions, and enjoy livestreamed presentations from the authors, which are free and open to the public.

All authors events will be held at Park Avenue Synagogue and will be livestreamed and recorded. For more information, please email 

Jewish Life of the Month

Rebecca Keys

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Hayyim Nahman Bialik


Best Known For
Pioneer of modern Hebrew. Recognized as Israel's national poet. Bialik's songs for children continue to inspire to this day.

Famous Quote
"The golden key to Jewish education is the Hebrew language."

Video: Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Louis D. Brandeis

Rebecca Keys

Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Watch a C-SPAN video of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg celebrating the 100th anniversary of the nomination of Justice Louis D. Brandeis in 2016. Learn more about the enduring legacy of Brandeis with constitutional expert and Jewish Lives author Jeffrey Rosen.

Jewish Life of the Month

Rebecca Keys

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Sarah Bernhardt


Best Known For
World renowned French stage actress with a "golden voice."  She also played male roles, including Shakespeare's Hamlet. One of the first actresses to act in motion pictures.

Famous Quote
"Legends remain victorious in spite of history."

Jewish Life of the Month

Rebecca Keys

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Rav Kook


Best Known For
First Ashkenazi chief rabbi of British Mandatory Palestine. Orthodox. Zionist. One of the most influential rabbis of the 20th century.

Famous Quote
"I don't speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent."

Who is the Real Jack Warner?

Rebecca Keys

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Unschooled Jewish immigrant. Brilliant businessman. Cultural innovator. "Scumbag?" Learn more about how Jack and his brothers forever changed Hollywood in our latest biography, Warner Bros: The Making of an American Movie Studio by eminent film critic David Thomson.

"Jack [Warner] is lucky to have a man...who has thought so deeply...and ultimately so brilliantly about him. We, his readers, are lucky too."—The Wall Street Journal